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The United States People’s Parallel Congress is what we need to begin the process of taking back our country for the People, by the People, of the People, with the People, to the People, and as the People! This Parallel Congress will have NO lobbyists, NO corporate representation or influence, and NO big money interests or influence! We will ONLY represent people, its that simple.
Please support our crowdfunding campaign to make this happen, so we can get the People’s Parallel Congress Set up during the 2016 congressional election cycle. We can’t just sit around as corporations and big money interests continue to take control of our country, leaving little to nothing for normal everyday people. Here is what we are going to do with your generous donation.
First we are going to do a massive national outreach campaign and get over 500 normal everyday people [from any political party or political background] to volunteer to become the people’s representatives and actively support them to run in the actual official congressional elections, on “NO Money” campaigns, as a single national slate of peoples representatives.
We are then going to launch a huge national campaign to tell ALL people to NOT vote for “lifetime politician” congressional candidates who take billions of dollars from corporations and BIG money interests and represent those interests more than normal everyday people of America. Instead we are going to tell everyone to vote for the Peoples candidates who will NOT take any money for their candidacy, cause they won’t need money or special interest support because we will have a huge national campaign that supports the entire national slate of people’s candidates! Anyone can run as a people’s candidate, but winners must be vetted to ensure they do not have big money or corporate interest connections, and the peoples candidate in each congressional district who gets the most votes with the least amount of money spent, wins the election to the United States People’s Parallel Congress.
It will not be a problem to initiate this essential body to represent normal everyday people after the 2016 elections, but if we are lucky and we work really hard, eventually our goal is for our entire slate of people’s candidates to wipe out and replace the entire existing corporate congress of corporate special interests. If not this election, then the next one.
We will win our country back with NO money campaigns, but we need funds to run the national campaign to find the candidates and help the local campaigns for the People’s Candidates slate. Our country can’t wait any longer, please help NOW and share and tell everyone you can. For more information and to get involved:
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